Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

   Toler's Tips 

  • Your air filter should be changed once a month, and once every two weeks if you have pets. This is extremely important because if it is not changed, it causes your air conditioning unit to freeze up and mechanically fail.
  • Schedule a yearly preventative maintenance checkup. Most systems last 10 to 14 years when serviced once a year and maintained correctly.
  • HVAC systems should run fairly quiet. Make sure to schedule a visit with us ASAP if you are hearing noises or banging, this could be a sign of trouble. 
  • Wipe a pipe cleaner across the louvres that cover the opening to the air conditioner vents in your rooms. Odds are good that you’ll find dust, but if the pipe cleaner also picks up black fuzz, it could be a sign of mold.